se l f id e n t i t y
the difference that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind
primary instincts . main life approach
manifesting-competences from within oneself
potentials to evolve and succeed compared to others
decision reference centers . voices . positioning . role
multidimensional aspects . current learning processes
defined learning fields & experiences . purpose . integrity
pu b l i c id e n t i t y
a mask or appearance one presents to the world by which one is known
gender . age . body . health . senses
family . friends . community
geographic . culture . politics
education . profession . career . status . possessions
skillset . believes . values . perspectives
lifestyle . sports . spirituality

Our world runs on our public identities which conform (more or less) to society's demands of how to be and what to do. Most of us believe we are what we can see in the mirror, what we have been taught how to be and how we are used to seeing ourselves. Such a shame. There is so much more in each of us. So much beauty.
Behind our identity there is an identity. The one that actually makes us who we are and determines how we get to what is meant for us. There is a logical internal structure of approaches and competences guiding us to make the right choices for whatever comes our way. Unfortunately, mostly because of not knowing, we ignore our inner wisdom and instead decide to live the shadow sides of our identities. Which is what hurts us in many different ways and is then more often than not misinterpreted as being misfortune or something beyond our control. When in reality, our lives are just working hard and working overtime to show us there is a better way for us, there is a better version of us. Which leads us to the feeling of being complete, aligned and in integrity and harmony with ourselves and our lives.
The aspects of the identity behind the identity is our self identity. This is what The Identity Matrix. is all about. Each one of us has an inner, rich and unique structure that gives us direction to what is right or wrong for us individually and leads us to personal success, however we define it. Absolutely nobody is like us, we are one of a kind indeed and we do live our lives to make as many of the best experiences as ourselves as possible. Personally and professionally.
The Identity Matrix. gives us the great opportunity to understand ourselves on a whole new level. Knowing why happens what happens, understanding the important and far-reaching aspects of our self identity and, how best to connect them to our public identity makes all the difference. And allows us to consciously lead our lives in whatever direction we choose for ourselves. As we do have all the power within us to create what is right for us and makes us complete.

Tailored Cut - Self Identity
- high potentials. high performer. executives.
- upleveling performance . overcoming crisis . leading role . new positioning . second career . exit
- one on one
Shared Rail - Team Identity
- high potential junior teams. start-ups.
- shared integrity . role allocation . concurrent performance . authentic voice . joint appearance
- two and more
Favorite Shirt - Building Identity
- all kinds of people. in all kinds of settings.
- illuminating various aspects of self- & public identity . to understand and trust yourself more
- groups of all kinds of sizes
All clients can expect a depth of advice that reflects the exceptionally high quality and the inimitability of
The Matrix, developed by Allyson Hoffmann over 35 years, is the fundament of all her work and is charged once per client.
All aspects listed at the beginning of this page as Self Identity are included in the Matrix, a framework that connects the various aspects.
However, there are two ways to proceed to gain understanding of the depth of one's Self Identity and to intertwine it with the Public Identity.
To be a student of one's Identity, which is the long term approach, or a recipient of answers and solutions, intended for those who have less time.
Both approaches guarantee visible changes in the aspects of the Public Identity and therewith a newfound freedom that shines through.
Pricing depends on the mandate and is based on hourly or package rates. For 'Favorite Shirt' the number of participants counts.
To schedule a first meeting to talk about your situation, your requirements and your priorities please write to
One on one sessions are usually online. Groups are live. With the exception of very small groups up to three.
The work of Allyson Hoffmann is trusted in... Europe . United States . Caribbean . Australia . Singapore
Office located in Hamburg. Germany. / English & German / Skype . Google . Zoom

Thought Leader Identity & Integriy.

The story of my life is...
...trying to explain something most people don't even know exists.
Explain a bread to someone who never had access to one.
Also, I can be trusted anytime to strive towards what is yet unknown and
to question traditional thinking and established ways.
All while relying on spot on intuition for what's next and a deep felt trust in life.
By now I speak People fluently, make my clients feel seen and save and
open doors inside themselves for them they never knew existed.
An essential part of my work is eliminating negative emotions and feelings.
For new perspectives on absolutely everything. Professionally and personally.
Over the many years one statement stuck.
Most of my clients feel my work is life changing.
Besides that I am mystic and spooky because I know what I can't know.
Not only the people I work with think and say so.
That's pretty much it.
Ah, wait, there is one more thing... I make them wait.
Truth is, I am a huge believer in everything in life having it's right timing.
Therefore we wait. We live integrity and trust in ourselves and our lives.
Cause we love it when we let ourselves and our lives unfold naturally.
Nothing better than that.
self identity
public identity
2024 The Identity Matrix.
© 2024 Allyson Hoffmann