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for High Performer



out of the ordinary Concept. Framework. Strategy. for new perspectives on your Self  .  expect the unexpected

profound insights to act on instantly in your personal and your professional life  .  ​prepare for life-changing perspectives


​As  a  Business Owner,  Self-Employed Person,  Team Leader,  Executive,  Influencer,  Elite Athlete,  Artists,  senior or high potential,  you  have  chosen  a  way  of  life 

that  comes  with  experiences,  chances,  people,  challenges  and responsibilities  that  are  extraordinary  but  can  be  overwhelming  at  times.

Part  of  your  way  can  be  a  battle  of  your  Identity   Integrity.   -  How  to  stay  true  to  yourself  while  meeting  the  various  demands.

If  you  want  to  make  sure  you  win  and  you  believe  that  there  is more  to  your  Self  than  the  obvious,  this  is  for  you...



We are all living a life with two Identities. Self Identity & Public Identity. Each one having a deep truth within but still cannot stand alone. Only intertwined consciously do the two Identities become most efficient, enriching our lives to the fullest. On all levels.



                            se l f    id e n t i t y


the difference that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind 

pu b l i c    id e n t i t y

 a mask or appearance one presents to the world by which one is known 

gender . age . body . health . senses

family . friends . community

geographic . culture . politics

education . profession . career . status . possessions

skillset . believes . values . perspectives

lifestyle . sports . spirituality



primary instincts . main life approach

manifesting-competences from within oneself


potentials to evolve and succeed compared to others


decision reference centers . voices . positioning . role

multidimensional aspects . current learning processes

defined learning fields & experiences . purpose . integrity

​ ​​

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Here is the thing... to have as many as possible of the best experiences personally and professionally, feeling centeredness and presence no matter what, it is essential that we stop ignoring our inner wisdom and start to acknowledge the unique framework of our Self Identity. Knowing why happens what happens, understanding the important and far-reaching aspects of neglected personal skills and feelings and, realizing how best to connect and intertwine them with our Public Identity makes all the difference. And allows us to consciously direct and lead our lives in the direction of our personal success, however we define it. While feeling Integrity for ourselves all the way.


Offerings.   Being professionally (Public Identity) successful not just because of what you've learned  but because of who you are personally (Self Identity). 

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Tailored Cut - one on one

- personally  /  Self Identity

   self image . resetting identity beliefs . reorganizing overall identity . repositioning in work & life  

- professionally  /   Public Identity

   upleveling performance . overcoming crisis . leading role . new positioning . exit . second career 


- Personal Profile & The Identity Matrix.

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Shared Rail - two and more

- personally  /  Self Identity  .  Tailored Cut in team and group format


- professionally  /  Public Identity  .  Tailored Cut in team and group format

- Personal Profile & The Identity Matrix. for each participant

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Favorite Shirt - Building Identity

- workshops . talks & more  /  forums . panels . incentives & more


- illuminating a variety of aspects of self- & public identity . client choice of topic

- groups of all kinds of sizes . all kinds of settings



Fundament of Allyson Hoffmann's entire Work is her unrivaled framework of a Personal Profile and The Identity Matrix. Which she developed herself over the course of her career, which has now spanned well over three decades. All aspects listed above as Self Identity are included in the Personal Profile and the Identity Matrix which are the foundation for the main work of connecting and intertwining these aspects with the Public Identity. An essential part of her work is eliminating negative emotions and feelings. For new perspectives on absolutely everything. Personally & professionally. Over the many years one statement stuck... most of her clients feel her work is life-changing. 

Clients choose between a long term commitment of ongoing professional/personal consulting and a short term approach for urgently needed answers and solutions. 1on1 & group format. Business. Sports. Arts. Pricing depends on the mandate and is based on hourly or package rates. Individual agreements for Favorite Shirt. Please note that exceptional work comes at a price, well worth every penny spent. However, you wouldn't want to settle for anything less than the best anyway. 

Personally ​by now she speaks People fluently cause there is next to nothing she has not seen through her work or experienced herself. That being the background her clients deeply trust her upon she makes them feel seen and save and opens doors inside themselves for them they never knew existed. Other than that Allyson Hoffmann is found being mystic and spooky at times cause she knows what she can't know. Also, she has a reputation to make people wait for the right moment to act. As everything has it's right timing, leading to Integrity and Trust in one's Truth. Nothing better than that.​​​​​

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One on one sessions are usually online. Groups are live. With the exception of very small groups up to three.

The work of Allyson Hoffmann is trusted in... Europe . United States . Caribbean . Australia . Singapore

Office located in Hamburg . Germany  /  English & German  /  Skype . Google . Zoom

Allyson Hoffmann  .  Thought Leader Identity & Integrity  .  Identity & Performance Profiler

self identity

public identity

    2024 The Identity Matrix.

©  2024 Allyson Hoffmann


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